Fail to Stop for Red Light / Fail to Stop for Amber Light
Failing to properly stop at a traffic light
Fail to Stop for Red Light
Fail to Stop for Amber Light
Demerit Points
Red Light: not less than $200.00 plus court costs and victim surcharge
Amber Light: not less than $150.00 plus court costs and victim surcharge
Impact on Insurance Premiums
If convicted of either one of these charges the demerit points will stay on your drivers abstract for 2 years. The conviction however will stay on your abstract for 3 years and should your insurance company find out it can a negatively affect you insurance premiums for up to 6 years.
Other Penalties
If you receive a summons for these offences fines can be as high as $1000.00 plus court costs and victim surcharge
About The Offence
Red Light
Every driver approaching a traffic control signal showing a circular red indication and facing the indication shall stop his or her vehicle and shall not proceed until a green indication is shown.
Amber Light
Every driver approaching a traffic control signal showing a circular amber indication and facing the indication shall stop his or her vehicle if he or she can do so safely, otherwise he or she may proceed with caution.
What You Need To Know
Your defence team at POINTTS™ knows the defences available to these charges and will use their knowledge and experience to get you the best possible outcome.
What You Should Do If You’ve Been Charged
Contact POINTTS™ for a free, no-obligation consultation as soon as possible to understand your options and get expert advice from a traffic ticket specialist.
See Also:
Fight Your Traffic Ticket!
Don't wait another minute. Request a free, no-obligation consultation with the original and most successful traffic ticket specialists in Canada. Let's talk about what POINTTS™ can do for you.