Disclaimer / Privacy Policy
The content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or opinion. Refer to the relevant statute for specific information on any particular offence.
Users of this website are recommended to obtain specific legal advice for their legal issue(s) by contacting POINTTS personnel.
POINTTS does not warrant or guarantee the completeness or accuracy of any information on this website. The information published on this website is current as of the original date of publication, but should not be relied upon as accurate, timely or fit for any particular purpose.
Viewing or using this website does not create a legal representative-client relationship. Use of the website may result in communications with POINTTS personnel via e-mail transmissions, telephone or otherwise via the website. However, receipt of any such communications or transmissions by POINTTS personnel does not create a legal representative-client relationship.
A legal representative-client relationship does not exist until you have requested and properly completed a Retainer Agreement with POINTTS.
POINTTS endeavours to protect your privacy. Your personal information will not be sold to a third-party. POINTTS does not guarantee the security or confidentiality of any communications made by e-mail or otherwise through this website.